Here is the talk from the July Men’s Group cookout, titled Rocky, “Rambo, King David, and Exorcists…or defending your bean field”. The reason the video quality is so good is that Sean Mills was there and recorded it for us on his personal equipment. Special thanks to Sean for giving his …
All men are invited to join the Men of St. Joseph on July 20 for a Men’s Night Cookout to be held outside at St Francis Xavier school in Acushnet. There will be pulled pork, burgers, and hot dogs. The night will include a short talk, adoration outside at the grotto, …
See more information on our School website HERE.
We are inspired by St. Francis Xavier to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, to educate our minds and souls, and to use faith and reason to guide us as we live our lives. For a pdf of the full Job Description CLICK HERE (to ideally begin 1 July 2023). …
Do you believe in Miracles?—A very exciting event will be taking place over the course of three nights at St. Anthony of Padua church in New Bedford (Acushnet Ave) May 22nd-24th at 6:30pm-9:00pm. Nationally known Catholic Speaker Tim Francis, who travels around the country in an effort to help Catholics …
Men’s Meat and Greet—Saturday, May 6, 2023, from 5-8pm St John Neumann Church, 157 Middleboro Rd, East Freetown Join the men of the Diocese of Fall River at Cathedral Camp! “Doors Open” at 4:30pm — Payment is at the door, but help us prepare by letting us know you …
This week is our parish Lenten Mission which will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evening (March 6-8). We are pleased to welcome to St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Chris Peschel, pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in New Bedford and St. Teresa of Calcutta school, as our mission …
On Thursday, March 16th at 6:30pm, The Men of St Joseph at SFX Parish hosted Bud Miller for our March Meeting. Bud’s talk was a Lenten Reflection on the Fatima and Divine Mercy messages…“What Are You Doing?! Pray, Pray Very Much” (the Angel of Fatima to the children). Here is a link …
SPRING BOOK STUDY – MARCH 1, 15, 22, 29 (Wednesdays) All women from our parish, as well as other parishes, are welcome to attend our Spring Book Study! This is a great way to enter into the Lenten Season. We will be reading Matthew Kelly’s book “Holy Moments”. Invite a …
Join us for a concert to feed people impacted by food shortages in Haiti. The concert will be held at St. John Neumann Parish Hall on Friday, February 17th at 7:00PM. All good-will donations go directly to support Sean’s orphanage and school in Haiti. Become a Team Haiti 180 member.