Parish News

SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd: Annual Parish Picnic at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, MA. We will have an area reserved from Noon to 4pm with access to the pond. Plenty of food, music and fellowship. This is a parishioner-only event. We hope to see many of you there!

THANK YOU: To all who donated to our parish campaign for the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal.  We have donated to the Bishop’s appeal for the local poor and other diocesan programs a sum of $40,663 or an increase over last year’s offering of $38,865, a 5% increase.  As always, this appeal …

On Easter Day some of Jesus’ disciples who knew of his suffering and death on the cross just two days prior, were walking and talking and probably lamenting over the horrific crucifixion of the person they thought was the Messiah, the Savior of the world. They were on their way …

Our Office of Religious Education has changed its hours for the season.  Our CCD classes are over and our Religious Ed Director, Janine Hammarquist, will be in the office on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8am to Noon (except for the 9am Mass). Please call the parish office if you …

The parish office on Thursdays from 9am to 3pm. Deacon David Pepin is available for spiritual counseling and advice or just for listening to those who might be struggling in their personal lives and need refocusing on God. He may also be available some Wednesday evenings by appointment after Evening …