Parish News

St. Francis Xavier School teaches Latin in the 7th and 8th Grades. Each year students along with some other 154,000 students throughout the United States and various other countries take the National Latin Exam. The Philosophy of the NLE is as follows: The philosophy of the National Latin Exam is …

Christmas Shoe Campaign for Rwanda

  In Rwanda there is a shortage of footwear among many communities. This leads to all sorts of illnesses and sometimes can exclude the children from attending school. In the build up to Christmas 2015 we asked our parishioners to donate $10 to buy a pair of shoes for our …

THE ORIGINAL IMAGE OF DIVINE MERCY A DOCUMENTARY A team of documentarists travel through Europe and the United States uncovering the details of the untold story about the little-known Original Image of Divine Mercy. In 1934, at the request of Jesus himself, Saint Faustina and her confessor, Blessed Fr. Michal …

Men’s Day of Recollection with Guest Speaker Dr. Anthony Esolen. Saturday 27th Feb 2016. Starts at 9:00am with Holy Mass in the parish church and then we move up to the school for refreshments and our 1st Conference. Our first speaker (10:00am) is our own Pastor, Msgr. Gerard O’Connor, the …

Dr. Anthony Esolen the well-known speaker and professor of English at Providence College will give two talks at the upcoming Men’s Day of Recollection organized by the Men of St. Joseph at St. Francis Xavier parish in Acushnet, MA. The day is Sat 27 Feb from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Dr. Esolen’s …

Parish Blood Drive

Our next parish blood drive is scheduled for Sunday, January 10th. All parishioners and other donors, please save the date.

LaSalette Outing

On Wednesday, December 30th we will take our traditional evening pilgrimage to La Salette Shrine in Attleboro to enjoy the Festival of Lights, sing along with Father Pat, visit the gift shop, and enjoy hot apple cider. Most of all there will be opportunity to pray and light candles for …

Advent Caroling

On Sunday, December 20th we will meet on the parish church front steps for our annual Christmas caroling. We will begin at 6:00pm and we will huddle together to sing many festive Advent and Christmas songs selected and led by Monsignor O’Connor. After caroling, there will be time for fellowship, …

Our parish apostolate to women presents for all ladies of the parish a special morning of prayer and encouragement on Saturday, December 12th. The morning begins with morning Mass at 9:00am to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe who serves as the patron of the Women of Grace. After Holy Mass the ladies will …

Tuesday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the day Catholics celebrate the creation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother St. Anne.  Catholics believe that Mary was conceived without any sin or the tendency toward sin, her human nature being perfected by God …