Parish News

Blood Drive Results

Thanks to all parishioners and others who offered to give blood on Sunday, 22 April.  We had 25 people come forward to donate and 21 units collected.  Once again, thank you for supporting LIFE!

Holy Week Confessions

Confessions during Holy Week are being held on Monday, 26 March and on Good Friday (30 March) from 5:30 to 6:30 pm; and on Holy Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.

Good Friday

Please join us on Good Friday for a 3 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.  There will be no Holy Mass but there will be distribution and reception of Holy Communion per tradition.  Come also at that time to venerate the Holy Cross and partake in the reading of the …

Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, 29 March, our parish will celebrate our Catholic liturgy in the morning at 9 am by praying the Divine Office.  At 7 pm we will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper after which the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed in our Eucharistic Chapel for Adoration until …

Tenebrae Service

On the Wednesday of Holy Week, 28 March, we will hold our annual Tenebrae Service which begins at 7 pm in the parish church.  This is a very solemn service which meditates on Sacred Scripture, especially the Lamentations of Jeremiah, in preparation of the Holy Triduum which begins the next …

Lenten Bible Study

We will begin a Sacred Scripture study program on Monday evening, 12 February at 7 pm to continue at the same time every Monday evening during Lent through to Holy Week (26th of March).  The 12th of February is the Monday just prior to Ash Wednesday.  Our pastoral services director, Steven Guillotte, …

Women of Grace Presents

Beginning on Tuesday, January 30th (to run through Tuesday, March 6th) our parish Women of Grace apostolate presents the second half of DIVINE MERCY in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told video series by Fr. Michael Gaitley. All women are welcome to join us for these sessions which will be …

Blessing of the Throats

The traditional blessing of throats for St. Blaise’s Day will be offered at the 9 a.m. Mass on Saturday, 3 Feb.  If you know of someone with a throat malady, please invite them to this traditional blessing of being prayed over for health and protection.

La Salette Parish Outing

Please call the parish office @ 508 995-7600 if you would like to sign up for our annual bus ride to La Salette Shrine in Attleboro for the Festival of Lights which will take place on December 27th.  The bus will be leaving our parking lot at 5pm and will …

Shoes for Rwanda

Thank you to all who donated to our Rwandan fundraiser for children’s shoes.  We raised $4,090 in our annual effort which will buy shoes for over 200 Rwandan Children.  Great effort!