Are You New to SFX Parish?
If you are visiting this website for the first time or do so periodically, if you are moving and searching for a new parish, or if you are exploring the opportunity to return to the Catholic Church – we the Pastor and people of St. Francis Xavier Parish welcome you.
Fr. Ryan Healy desires to meet with all new parishioners. Please introduce yourself to him after Mass or call the office so he can set aside some time for a proper introduction. You are always welcome to visit the parish office to meet the staff who will be glad to meet you. Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm and Wednesday 9:30am to 1:00pm.
As a new parishioner you will be given a registration form to complete which will list all members of your household. This will be maintained in the parish office with copies of your sacramental records which we request you provide. Once your information is entered into our Parish Data System, you will receive offering envelopes for the Masses. Please expect a few months wait for receiving the envelopes as we are on a two-month cycle with our printer. In the meantime please use the colored, blank parish envelopes at the entrance of the church for your weekly offerings. You can simply write your parish number which will be provided for you and we will keep a record of your offerings. We will gladly provide you with a printout of your offerings at the beginning of each calendar year for your tax filing.
Please take home with you a weekly bulletin to keep abreast of the Mass, Confession and prayer schedule and to keep up with the many exciting events here at the parish and in the community.
Once again we welcome you to the parish and hope that you will grow in greater love of God, the parish, and your faith!
Register with SFX ParishExploring the Catholic Faith?
If you are exploring the Catholic faith, please join us for Holy Mass. If you are not Catholic we ask that you refrain from receiving Holy Communion. We ask this not to make you feel unwanted or left out, but because we desire you to receive the sacraments in the proper disposition of soul so that your unity with the Church will be both valid and beautiful.
Our Open Church
One of the best ways to acclimate yourself to a new parish is to come to the church and be still in the presence of the Lord. Our church is open daily for quiet personal prayer after the 9:00am Mass on Monday – Saturday until about 8:00pm. Adoration begins after the 9am Mass and during these times the Blessed Sacrament (Holy Eucharist) is exposed in the adoration chapel (to the right of the altar) for quiet prayer. Your visit to the church will confirm to you that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the center of our parish life!