
Author Archive for: 'SFXparish'
Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Our parish Saint Vincent de Paul Society is collecting food for Thanksgiving through Friday, November 5th.  Please participate in this Corporal Work of Mercy by purchasing food for the homebound and the local needy for Thanksgiving baskets. SVDP is presently putting together the food baskets/boxes for delivery for the holiday.  If you would like to …

Baby Bottle Campaign

Our 2021 Respect Life Baby Bottle Fundraiser bottles will be collected the weekend of October 30 & 31.  Please place your “filled” baby bottles in the basket at the entrance of the church. Proceeds from this baby bottle drive benefit a local pregnancy resource center.  Your financial support helps the unborn and their parents.  Please …

Welcome Fr. Ryan Healy

We welcome Fr. Ryan Healy as the new Administrator of St. Francis Xavier! Following is his introduction… I was born on December 25th, 1992. (Yes, by your calculations that does make me only 28! And yes, the irony of a future priest being born on Christmas Day is not lost on me. And no, I …

Fr Riley Williams, Administrator

A Farewell Message from Fr. Williams As I prepare to move to my new assignment as Pastor of Holy Name Church in Fall River on 18 August, it is with a mixture of pride and sorrow that I will have these last few weeks with all of you.  Pride, because of all we have accomplished …

Updated Mass Guidelines

Guidelines for Liturgical Practices (Effective 29 May 2021) *The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays in the Fall River Diocese will be reinstated on the weekend of Father’s Day, June 19-20, 2021 (see Bishop daCunha’s statement). Indoor seating capacity is increased to 100%; therefore, any previously “roped off” pews in the center will be opened …

Lenten Spiritual Resources

While this Lent will be a little different from what we would like, we still want to make sure you have an enriching spiritual experience with these following resources we have produced! Visit Our Prayer Resources page below… Prayer Resources View our Sunday Mass online on either our parish website or our Facebook Page

Consecration to St. Joseph

In this year as a parish when we are reflecting on how we live our faith – being not just hearers of the Word but also doers – St. Joseph provides one of the best examples of discipleship that we can have! This book will be provided free as a service to our parishioners, though …

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 25 October 2020

Thus says the LORD: “You shall not molest or oppress an alien… You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever you wrong them and they cry to me, I will surely hear them cry.” (Ex 22:20-22) In our first reading today we hear how God commands his chosen people not to molest or oppress …

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18 October 2020

Then they handed him the Roman coin. He said to them, “Whose image is this…” They replied, “Caesar’s.” At that he said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” (Mt 22:19- 21)     Justice is giving to each person that which is due to him.  God …