Carrying the Holy Eucharist to the faithful who are shut-in is a very ancient tradition in the Church which St. Justin Martyr spoke of as early as the 2nd century.
Deacon David Pepin coordinates the ministry to the sick at St. Francis Xavier. Fr. Ryan and Deacon bring Holy Communion to parishioners each week. Because of the high number of parishioners who require this due to illness or disability, Fr. Ryan has commissioned several parishioners as Extraordinary Ministers to take Holy Communion to the home-bound.
Please call the parish if you know of any person who needs and wants to receive the Holy Eucharist at home, in the hospital or in a nursing facility. Fr. Ryan is also available to hear confessions and perform or arrange for Anointing of the sick in the community.
(Picture): This is a detail of the famous painting Charity of St. Elizabeth of Hungary by Frederic Leighton. St. Elizabeth was well known for using her own resources to feed the sick and the poor. Our parish’s lay Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist deliver more than mere bread to the local home-bound and to those residing temporarily or permanently in nursing facilities; they bring to those in need the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, in flesh and in spirit, under the appearance of humble bread. What they bring is nourishment for the soul unto eternal life.
If you know of a Catholic who can not come to Church on Sundays due to an illness or perhaps because of a care-giving role, and desires to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office.