We will begin a Sacred Scripture study program on Monday evening, 12 February at 7 pm to continue at the same time every Monday evening during Lent through to Holy Week (26th of March). The 12th of February is the Monday just prior to Ash Wednesday. Our pastoral services director, Steven Guillotte, will reflect on the Sunday readings in Lent as presented at Holy Mass. Steve will identify and speak on the major theme/s of the Sunday readings which knit together the first and second readings, the responsorial psalm, and the Gospel of the day. This will be a relaxed presentation allowing for some group discussion and deepening consideration of the Word. Further, Steve hopes to weave into the program Lectio Divina or prayerful meditation on the Word. The “spiritual sense” of Scripture will be the main focus over the literal or historical sense. The purpose will be to assist parishioners and others (since others are welcome) to glean the spiritual meaning of the Lenten readings in our Catholic liturgy and enable those who attend this study to practice and learn how to meditate on the Mass readings prior to attending Holy Mass. You are also encouraged to attend Evening Prayer (Vespers) and Benediction at 6:30 pm prior to the Bible Study so as to enhance the Lenten experience. Attendees may bring their Daily Missals to the study; otherwise Bibles are not needed as copies of the readings will be made available to all who attend. Please see or call Steve at the parish office with any questions.