“It is not the actual physical exertion that counts toward a man’s progress, nor the nature of the task, but the spirit of faith with which it is undertaken.” — St. Francis Xavier
An apostolate is a focused work by a group of apostles of Jesus Christ. An apostle in this context does not refer to the earliest 12 Apostles of Christ, but to any disciple of Jesus who follows in the tradition of these 12 by acting to make “disciples of all nations.” The ultimate goal of a Catholic apostolate is not to serve the needs of the world as such, though this may be a natural result of an active apostolate. The primary role of an apostolate is to lead people to the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Here at St. Francis Xavier even as we serve the poor in body, we understand that the greatest refreshment we can offer to those in need is the refreshment of Jesus Christ.
The faith community of St. Francis Xavier is a witness to the love of Christ by living out the Gospel values and our baptismal promises in the world. We strive to accomplish this through the use of our gifts of time, talent and treasure as we serve God and one another within our parish ministries and activities.
Together with our Catholic School, St. Francis Xavier offers many opportunities for our parishioners and school families to continue God’s work through our prayer life, community events, service to others.